5 Common Ear Problems And Their Treatment

The ear is separated into three sections. The canal that leads to the eardrum is visible in the outer ear. The eardrum separates the inner and outer ears, while the middle ear contains microscopic bones that increase sound. Sounds are transformed into electrical impulses and sent to the brain via the inner ear.

Almost all people are aware of hearing loss. Various other disorders can also harm the ears. Some are just irritating, while others can be painful. Furthermore, these illnesses may hurt your hearing, exacerbating any existing hearing loss.

Ménière’s disease:

Ménière’s disease affects the balance and hearing of the inner ear. It affects adults between the ages of 20 and 60 and is uncommon in children. Dizziness, unsteadiness, vomiting, ringing, roaring, buzzing in the ears, and unexpected hearing loss are symptoms of this illness.


These symptoms frequently co-occur and might persist from minutes to hours. Because of its distinctive character, it is an unpleasant ailment. Symptoms may last a day or two, and victims are frequently fatigued after an attack. Furthermore, while it usually begins in one ear, it can spread to both.


Medication can help with nausea and vertigo.

Perforated Eardrum:

A hole in the eardrum produced by sickness, loud noises, or damage is referred to as a “perforated eardrum.” In extreme cases, it might occur during airplane takeoff and landing.

Often, the perforated eardrum heals on its own and causes no complications. However, it can sometimes cause repeated infections, resulting in ear discharge. Hearing loss may develop if the hole is large enough.

An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) expert will use an ‘auriscope’ to determine the presence of a hole in the eardrum.


To avoid recurring infections when water enters the middle ear, surgery is sometimes required to fix the rupture.


Tinnitus is used to describe non-external sounds heard in one or both ears. Tinnitus is frequently associated with age-related hearing loss or severe noise exposure. Tinnitus affects people of all ages, but notably children. However, it has a greater impact on the elderly.

Tinnitus is a temporary condition brought on by loud music or a cold. However, tinnitus affects around one in every ten adults all over the globe.


All symptoms are ringing in the ears, hissing, sizzling, buzzing, whooshing, and white noise. There could also be many sounds, and it has no rhyme or purpose, and it’s just noise.


Tinnitus retraining therapy uses sounds therapy to train your brain to tune out tinnitus and become less aware of it.

Ear Wax:

Earwax often falls out naturally, but it can occasionally obstruct your ears. Attempting to remove earwax with your fingers or cotton buds will aggravate the condition.


Itching, dizziness, ear infections, and noises such as high-pitched tones coming from inside the ear are all possible symptoms.


If your ears are plugged, apply 2–3 drops of olive or almond oil twice a day for a few days. In the next few weeks, earwax lumps should fall out of your ear more regularly, especially at night.

A doctor might offer treatments such as chemical drops to dissolve earwax or can remove earwax manually.

Glue Ear:

Teenagers are the most likely to develop sticky ears (also known as otitis media with effusion). Children aged one to six can have one or both ears affected.

A glue ear occurs when the middle of the ear becomes sticky. Because of fluid buildup in the middle ear, the tiny bones cannot transmit sound vibrations to the cochlea, resulting in hearing loss.


This problem appears in children who regularly ask for repeats, have difficulty hearing, or become easily distracted while listening.


Most children recover in 6–10 weeks, with 50–90% healing in three months. Grommets or temporary hearing devices may be required for people who have had glue ears for more than three months.

Book an appointment now to answer all your queries. You can book an appointment with the top ENT Specialists in Lahore through Marham by calling Marham helpline: 0311-1222398 or by online booking facility through the website or Marham mobile app.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

What are the common signs and symptoms of ear diseases?

  • Earache when lying down.
  • Pulling on an ear.
  • Insomnia.
  • Extra tears.
  • Fussiness.
  • Hearing or responding to sound issues.
  • Unbalance.
  • Fever of 100 F (38 C).

Why is my ear blocked but no wax?

Fluid buildup, loud sounds, foreign objects in the ear, and ear infections are all causes. A ruptured eardrum raises the likelihood of infection and eventual Eustachian canal obstruction.

What dissolves ear wax fast?

5-10 drops of hydrogen peroxide should be dripped into each ear. Allow the peroxide to enter the wax for five minutes with your head inclined to the side. This should be done for 3-14 days.