The substantial difference between the two types of oil is the presence or absence of THC. In the first case the THC is absent or in any case with such low concentrations as not to consider it amazing.
This type of oil can be more easily prescribed even for veterinary use, following the prescriptive cascade reported in Article 10 of Legislative Decree 193/06, by means of a REV (electronic veterinary recipe) indicating the desired cbd products concentration.
The CBD galenic oil is set up in pharmacy laboratories in two ways:
- For the solubilization of CBD crystals for pharmaceutical use (produced in GMP, that is, following rigid prototypes that guarantee purity and safety)
- By extraction through different methods starting from the authorized therapeutic cannabis varieties (Bedrocan, Bediol, FM2 to name a few).
In the second case, starting from regulated and controlled cultivation, oil is extracted using different methods.
The cannabinoid content can vary, as is the yield of the extraction. The phytocannabinoid content can vary and for this reason the law states that every single extract prepared as a galenico must be titled by authorized laboratories.
Since there is no standardization in the extraction process, each lot of oil can have different THC and CBD titles, through the titration the patient will be able to know the concentration of these active principles for the specific one prepared so as to be able to always assume the same amount of active ingredient.
The information contained in this article is for information purposes only, does not want and must in no way replace the doctor-patient relationship. It is therefore recommended to consult your doctor before putting into practice any advice or indication given.
What are the advantages of having a standardized product available?
Know the exact dosage of the active ingredients in it so as to guarantee the repetition of the dosage.
Facilitate doctors and patients, with a consequent reduction in the possibility of errors in administration, not having to change the dosage continuously. Compare clinical studies and evaluate side effects at similar dosages. Better stability and therefore a longer deadline than the current one.
The use of therapeutic cannabis in Italy has been legal since 2018
Initially the only known form of assumption was in the form of maps to be prepared as a decoction but, over the years, several new pharmaceutical forms have been introduced, thanks also to the close collaboration between the prescribing physicians and the laboratories of the galenical pharmacies, always attentive to new and more effective extraction methods. Opening capsules , resins, glycolic extracts, extracts for electronic cigarettes, transdermal gels and oils are some of the pharmaceutical forms currently used.