Many patients who are interested in exploring the benefits of stem cell injections understandably want to know about the costs. As with many cutting-edge treatments in their early stages, stem cell therapy is not typically covered under most insurance plans.
There are rare exceptions, as in the case of corporations that offer stem cell therapy coverage under customized plans. Typically, however, stem cell therapy is only covered by insurance for patients with certain blood and immune system disorders and cancer.
The Benefits of Stem Cell Injections
Despite the fact that stem cell therapies are still not covered by insurance or Medicare, there are still plenty of compelling reasons to consider a stem cell option. For instance, this new alternative treatment can help to promote healing by replacing cells within the body, including those which have become damaged by disease or injury. This kickstarts the body’s natural repair kit to work more efficiently, promoting the regeneration of tissue. The treatment is especially beneficial for hard-to-treat conditions such as sports and athletic injuries, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, and chronic ailments.
Stem cell therapy can give new hope to patients who have experienced poor results from previous therapies and may even delay or prevent the need for surgery in some cases. Considering the cost of a knee replacement can exceed $30,000 in the U.S. – not to mention the potential costs of missed time at work as well as the physical therapy needed to support a full recovery – it’s possible stem cell therapy could still help patients save in the long run. It may also provide potential relief of symptoms that could save those with a neurodegenerative condition, such as multiple sclerosis, annual investments for medication of up to $80,000 a year.
Alternate Financing Options
If you ultimately decide that stem cell therapy is right for you, rest assured that there are other financing options available for regenerative medicine. Many patients leverage financing plans available to cover the costs of treatment, while others turn to crowdfunding as a means of raising some or all of the money needed for injections.
Of course, as with any investment, stem cell therapy should be approached with careful consideration. You can find out more about the conditions stem cell therapy can treat and possible treatment outcomes by exploring patient testimonials to help reach an informed decision.
This post was written by Becky Palmer, a medical professional at Stemedix Inc. At Stemedix we offer Regenerative Medicine, also known as Stem Cell Therapy in Tampa, this therapy naturally acts to rebuild and regenerate neural tissues that are lost from the progression of all different types of diseases.