Glaucoma is a progressive eye disorder occurring as a result of increased pressure of fluid inside of the eyes due to excessive fluid accumulation. The excessive pressure from the fluid damages the optic nerve of your eye. Without treatment, it leads to vision impairment or potential gradual and permanent loss of vision. There are different types of Glaucoma and the symptoms, although similar, vary depending on the type of glaucoma. When visiting a Glaucoma doctor Los Angeles who suspect they may have symptoms of glaucoma will undergo tests to determine if they do indeed have the disorder and the extent of the disease. Here are the common symptoms and treatment for glaucoma.
Symptoms of Glaucoma
The most common type of glaucoma is primary, open-angle glaucoma, which has no signs or symptoms, except for gradual vision loss. For this reason, it is essential that you have yearly, comprehensive eye exams so your eye doctor can monitor changes in your vision. When visiting a glaucoma doctor Los Angeles residents should report any of the following symptoms:
- Eye pain
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Sudden blurred vision
- Vision disturbances
- Redness in one or both eyes
- Seeing colored rings around lights
What Causes Glaucoma?
The back of your eyes are continually making a clear fluid known as aqueous humor. As this fluid is being made, it fills the front part of your eyes, and then leaves the eyes through channels in the iris and cornea. If these channels become blocked or are partially obstructed it increases the natural pressure in your eye, which is known as the intraocular pressure. As the intraocular pressure increases, damage may occur to the optic nerve. As this damage progresses, you may begin to lose your vision.
Glaucoma Treatment
The primary goal of treatment is to reduce the intraocular pressure to reduce the risk of additional loss in vision. Typically, when visiting a glaucoma doctor Los Angeles patients will first be recommended treatment that consists of prescription eye drops. If the eye drops do not work or if you need more advanced treatment, your glaucoma doctor may recommend medications that are designed to reduce the intraocular pressure, which may include prescription eye drops. Surgery may be recommended in order to make a drainage path for the fluid or to remove the tissues that are causing the increase in fluid.
Although glaucoma cannot be prevented, it is critical to catch it early you can begin treatment that will help to prevent the disease from worsening. The best way to catch glaucoma early is to have your eyes examined yearly. During your regular eye examination, your eye doctor will do a quick and painless test for glaucoma.