Is Outpatient Alcohol Rehab The Right Choice For You?

While the journey to recovery from alcoholism can be challenging and life-changing, one of the most dynamic and effective treatments for alcoholism is an outpatient alcohol rehab. Not only is this type of treatment plan well-rounded and conducive to fitting into a person’s everyday life, but it also treats the person as a whole versus merely focusing on the disease of alcoholism. To better appreciate outpatient treatment, let’s look deeper into the differences between inpatient and outpatient treatment options.

Outpatient vs. Inpatient Rehab 

One of the key differences between outpatient treatment for alcoholism versus inpatient treatment is the attendance requirements.  Outpatient treatment plans allow the individual to return to their normal life with no active supervision. By comparison, inpatient treatment plans require an individual to remain on site on the treatment facility in lieu of returning to their home after the completion of treatment sessions. Additionally, inpatient treatment is regulated with a structure that includes a full day of activities that are scheduled by facility staff and ensures the individual remains within the confinements of the treatment center. Upon completion of the inpatient program, the individual is often transitioned to an outpatient treatment plan and can experience the freedom to conduct normalized daily activities supplemented with follow-up outpatient support.

Types of Available Services For Outpatients

Individuals treated for alcohol abuse disorders have access to multiple resources and treatment options available to suit individual needs, which include but are not limited to:

  • Assigned mentorship — individuals can be assigned a personal mentor who is made available on an on-call basis for behavioral and emotional support.
  • Educational service — individuals can be exposed to a variety of educational services that may include workshops, online/offline classes or lectures, and even specialty forums that focus heavily on providing support via only therapy groups.
  • Psychosocial interventions — One of the most popular services available for outpatient treatment is provided via Alcoholics Anonymous, a program that features 12 – steps to recovery from addiction to drugs, behavioral issues, or alcohol.

Other options for treatment services include mental health treatment, participation in a sober living house, Pharmacological treatment, and group therapy.

Advantages of Outpatient Rehab Treatment

Due to the sheer number of treatment options available, there are many advantages to outpatient alcohol rehab treatment:

  • Affordability —​ if an individual does not exhibit chronic relapse behavior, is not a behavioral or physical threat to themselves or others or does not require 24-hour highly monitored care, selecting outpatient care can ultimately be a more affordable option compared to inpatient treatment.
  • Closure proximity to support — because access to a high level of support is crucial, outpatient programs can ensure an individual has access to personal and familiar support, whereas, inpatient rehab programs quite often provide support, but do not allow access to family members, friends other forms of personal support.

Seeking the help of an outpatient facility can start you on the path to recovery and restoration of your life, allowing you to live it to the fullest. For more information, contact the Yellowstone Recovery Center to discuss how our outpatient treatment plans.
