Identifying The Relationship Between Genes and Obesity

Obesity is a key risk factor for diabetes, stroke, and even cancer. Most people who are overweight or obese have a gene that makes them more prone to these diseases. In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between genes and obesity in detail. 

What are genes?

Every cell of the human body contains a set of instructions that define each and every detail about how to construct and operate the organism. These instructions are encoded in DNA, which is organized into structures called chromosomes – humans have 23 pairs – one pair inherited from each parent. The complete set of genetic information in an individual is called their ‘genome,’ and it is encoded in strands of DNA called ‘genes.’

Can genes affect weight gain?

There are a number of studies that have indicated a link between some genetic variations and obesity, with a higher BMI often being associated with certain genes

In the past, experts have suggested that weight gain is mostly determined by diet and physical activity habits. However, more recent research shows that genetics may also play a role in obesity development.

One of the most common forms of obesity-susceptibility genes is found in a gene called ‘FTO.’ This gene is involved with the regulation of fat storage, so having a faulty version of this gene is believed to cause people to be more likely to store excess energy as fat.

Obesity can affect us in many different ways. Apart from being an unattractive feature that may cause social problems, it’s also a symptom of many chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease

A lot of people think that genes can only predispose someone to certain conditions and don’t play a part in how the condition actually develops (whether it manifests itself or not). However, this is not true. Genes express themselves through proteins, and this expression is controlled by microRNAs, which act as “molecular switches” to determine the expression of certain genes.

This means that an individual’s genetic makeup strongly determines their metabolism, which affects how weight gain happens in each person.

Some individuals may find it more difficult than others to lose excess weight once they have gained it. This is because some people are less sensitive to insulin and leptin, hormones that regulate metabolism and hunger. This means that they may find it harder to burn fat and feel hungrier than someone with different genetic makeup.

What is insulin resistance?

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), insulin resistance can be defined as a condition that occurs when the body needs more insulin than usual to help it use blood sugar.

Insulin resistance is often associated with Type 2 diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol levels, and hypertension. While you cannot change the genes that you inherit from your parents, there are healthy lifestyle choices that can improve each of these conditions.

You may also this: How to Pass a Pre-Bariatric Surgery Psych Evaluation.

What can you do to lose weight?

There are some healthy lifestyle choices that you can make to help reduce the health risks associated with insulin resistance, a genetic predisposition for weight gain, and obesity. These include:

– Incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine – rather than only exercising once or twice a week! Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day.

– Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of whole grains, lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.

– Maintaining an ideal body weight.

Addressing these three aspects may not be easy in the beginning, but it will definitely have health benefits in the long run if you have compromised genes for obesity or weight gain. However, if you are still not able to use weight using these conventional ways, we did suggest you consider bariatric surgery in Mexico.

This is an exciting discovery for researchers and hopefully will lead to more research. What do you think about this news? Do you have any questions or comments that we can help with? Let us know in the comment section below!