You may have heard about holistic health care but wondered exactly what that term means. How does it differ from traditional Western medicine? What all does holistic care entail and is it right for you and your family? There are many myths and misconceptions which abound about holistic care and knowing the facts can help you make an informed decision about the health and well-being of your family. Here are the basics to get you started with holistic health care.
An Ancient Form of Medicine
Holistic care has a very long history. Traditional Chinese and Ayruvedic Medicine are just two examples of ancient health care systems which use a holistic approach. In these medical practices the person is treated as a whole in mind, body, and spirit. It is believed that balance between these components is what provides natural well-being and good health. When the body is in balance its natural healing power is released and you can fight off disease and your natural immune systems runs as it should.
Use of healing herbs, tonics, nutrition, and other practices such as massage and acupuncture all aim at restoring and maintaining the body’s natural balance. In Chinese and Ayruvedic Medicine this balance is achieved by aligning the body’s natural energy centers (Chakras) and the natural flow of your body’s energy (Chi) is optimized. This promotes natural healing and well-being. These philosophies have been handed down and practiced for many thousands of years in the Far East and India.
Today’s Holistic Approach to Health Care
In the West more and more people are looking for an alternative to traditional Western medicine. The use of drugs to treat symptoms is falling out of favor and people are looking for ways to restore and maintain good health and well-being without the use of prescriptions drugs. Chiropractic care is one such alternative health care philosophy which has been used for many years by people from all walks of life. Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach to health care by returning balance to your body through manipulations, massage, physical therapy, and nutritional counseling. Other methods may include guided meditation, homeopathic medicine, and Electra Dermal Screening.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care focuses on restoring the body’s natural balance. Spinal manipulations to relieve spinal stress are used to free up the body’s natural healing power. Massage therapy is often used to relieve pain and stress in sore muscles, relieve migraines, and treat neck, spine, and lower back pain. Your chiropractor will treat you as a whole and may counsel you on nutrition and emotional health. Instead of focusing on the symptoms, your chiropractor will try to help pinpoint the underlying cause of many common conditions.
Chiropractic care is effective for people of all ages from newborns to adults. Pediatric chiropractic care may help in the development of your child, and it may help avoid common childhood ailments such as colds, fever, and in some cases may help in the reduction of asthma symptoms. While chiropractic care should not take the place of traditional medicine in the treatment of such conditions as high blood pressure or diabetes, it can be an effective compliment to traditional medical treatment for almost all diseases and conditions.
A chiropractor does not prescribe medication, but they can help you make better lifestyle choices such as maintaining a balanced diet, smoking cessation, and increasing your physical activities. With regular manipulations and chiropractic care you can have a better quality of life, and restore and maintain balance in your mind, body, and spirit.