Most people take Yoga teacher training courses to learn how to teach classes. Over the past few years, there have been a number of Yoga teacher interns who had no desire to teach classes. Instead, their purpose for attending a hands-on intensive, or taking an online course, has been self-development.
What is self-development? In many ways, Yoga is a form of personal-development, which is – to take personal responsibility for one’s health, education, and lifestyle. Through assessing one’s progress in life, we develop systems to improve and be the best we can be.
Recently, I was attending a conference where one of the speakers said, “Most people have blamed their parents enough and need to take control over their lives as adults.” Silence filled the room. The audience was thinking about where blame should be placed. There was no applause to the speech or audible reaction – just silence, until the next speaker went to the podium.
The truth is: Parents have much to do with shaping the direction of a child’s life. On the other hand, many parents are being blamed for all that has gone wrong in the world today. The solution is self-development. Regardless of where we place blame, we need solutions for this world to progress.
The need for personal growth and Yoga goes far beyond what we see today. A person who is concerned with solutions will take action after assessment and reflection. Sometimes, the need to react is time sensitive. Without going into mistakes of the past and present, we need to develop systems, within governments, schools, and businesses, which are pro-active.
Yoga and self-development go hand-in-hand because they train the mind to work through the problem, by addressing the priorities. In the case of people, who are taking courses, but do not want to become a Yoga teacher, the common reason is that they want to apply Yogic principles toward problem solving.
Teachers, Social Workers, Psychotherapists, and Medical Professionals seem to lead the pack toward personal development. You would think that the business sector would have equal representation, but the current economy may be holding back employee self-development.
With that said – there is a growing need to continue self-development programs, so that the world’s population is prepared for any type of situation it encounters. Yoga self-development courses offer people, from all walks of life, a chance to enhance their education and train their minds toward finding solutions.