Acne is a skin problem that can affect any age. Baby, teenager and adult are all affected by this skin condition. The acne pimples are often placed on our face, but they can also spread on the chest, the back and even on the scalp. The appearance of these red spots causes itching of the scalp. In addition, acne is sometimes accompanied by hair loss. Regardless of the type of acne, one must first know its causes before choosing a treatment. With the Best Shampoo for Scalp Acne you can have the finer options now.
- Acne on the scalp: how to cope?
- What are the causes of scalp pimples ?
We are used to seeing red pimples on the face, so we do not really care about scalp acne. Most people do not know that itching of the scalp is partly caused by acne pimples. The latter result from the strong secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Specifically, the excess of sebum, produces, clogs the pores of the scalp and causes inflammation of the hair follicles. There are different factors for the appearance of blackheads (or pimples) such as lack of hygiene and stress. The latter causes a hormonal imbalance that promotes the excessive production of sebum. It is also proven that consuming too much caffeine increases the body’s acidity and inflammation. This contributes greatly to the escape of pimples.
What treatment for acne scalp?
When it comes to scalp problems, it is always more practical to prevent it than to cure it. Having good scalp hygiene is very important to avoid acne. Wash your hair at least twice a week with a hypoallergenic or anti-dandruff shampoo (the zinc it contains helps to limit acne). The essential oil of tea tree is also very effective to treat acne – prone skin. Whatever the form, type, or causes of red pimples, it is not recommended to apply too strong products to the scalp. However, it is recommended to see a dermatologist before starting a treatment especially since the pimples that can be found on the scalp are not all acne pimples. Among them there are also rosacea, seborrhea dermatitis, folliculitis decal ante, etc.
Acne is a skin disease that affects mostly teenagers, but sometimes also infants and adults. Characterized by an excess of sebum, it causes the formation of unsightly pimples.
Definition of acne
Acne refers to lesions of the pilosebaceous follicle, inflammatory (” buttons “) and retention (” black spots “,” micro cysts “) that occur most often in adolescence and are related to hyperseborrhoea (“oily skin”).
What is sebum?
Sebum is the oily film secreted naturally by the skin or scalp. Its role is to maintain the hydration of the epidermis, it enters the composition of the hydrolipidic film of the skin. It protects the skin and hair from drying out and external aggressions, while maintaining their flexibility. When it is produced in excess, it is the origin of oily skin, pimples or oily hair. In case of lack, he is responsible for dry skin and brittle hair.