Weed is a plant of which the most common species is Weedsativa (Indian hemp) and its neuropharmacological effects are mainly due to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. It is classified in France as a narcotic. It comes in 3 forms: grass (leaves, stems and dried flowering tops), resin (“hashish”) and oil (more concentrated in active principle). Weed and hashish are usually smoked as a “joint” (ie with tobacco, in the form of a rolled up cigarette). Rather, the oil is consumed with a pipe. More marginally, weed can also be ingested, incorporated into food preparations (space-cakes) or drunk (infusions).
The European weed market is one of the most important markets in the world in terms of consumption and turnover (9.3 billion euros). In 2013, the quantities of herb consumed were estimated at 647 tonnes against 641 tonnes for hashish. In France, the market was valued in 2017 at 1.2 billion euros.
In 2018, seizures of herbal weed reached a new historic level with more than 30 tonnes (+ 50% compared to 2017). Weed now accounts for nearly 26% of total weed seizures against 6% in 2012. The growing importance of the weed market in France is corroborated by the scale of plant confiscations, of which more than 138,000 were seized in the territory in 2018. As you Buy weed online you can have the best options available there.
In 2017, 67,500 convictions were pronounced for ILS as a predicate offense (single or multiple). This figure is up 16% compared to 2013 (56,300). Almost 9 out of 10 cases of these offenses concern weed.
Weed supply methods• The vast majority (67.1%), young weed users during the year aged 17 say they get their weed for free, through donations or shared consumption. Next, the network of friends or relatives (56.9%) constitutes the main source of purchase, followed by the use of a reseller, whether a usual intermediary (44.8%) or unknown (30, 5%). Self-cultivation of weed is declared by 7.2% of current users and Internet purchase remains marginal (2.2%).• In addition, this supply also strongly depends on the frequency of consumption. A regular weed user (10 times / month) will not be able to be satisfied with donations: they are 81.8% to report having bought from their “usual” dealer during the year. However, a large proportion of regular users also confide in smoking through donation or sharing, very likely reflecting the collective nature of weedconsumption.
In 2017, 7.0% of weed users during the month (i.e. 6.4% of 18-64 year olds) declared practicing self-cultivation, with or without additional purchase. This practice is more widespread after 35 years.
Content and price
In 2018, the retail price of a gram of herbal weed was established according to OCRTIS at around 10 euros. Thus, between 2010 and 2018, the price of a gram of grass increased by more than 30% in constant euros (from 7.6 to 10 euros).
The median price of weed resin is stable around € 7 per gram. The average THC content of weed resin has almost tripled in fifteen years, reaching 26.5% in 2018, while that of weed increased by 40%, reaching over 11% in 2018.